Super Junior 全新巡回演唱会《Super Show 9:ROAD》正式启动
1010 震撼登场 唱响武吉加里尔亚通体育馆
(2022年8月25日-吉隆坡讯) 大马ELF你们准备好了吗?万众期待,韩国天团Super Junior 全新巡回演唱会《Super Show 9:ROAD》即将登陆马来西亚!Star Planet星艺娱乐今日欣然宣布,《Super Show 9:ROAD ─吉隆坡站》,落实在10月10日 这个十全十美的好日子,下午5PM唱响武吉加里尔亚通体育馆(Axiata Arena),这也是Super Junior 阔别将近9年后,再度合体来马开唱,宝蓝色照耀全场的震撼盛况,即将再现亚通体育馆!
早在SJ成员银赫和东海于7月尾的podcast节目中,亲口透露《Super Show 9:ROAD》大马肯定会被列入巡演的其中一站后,大马ELF就已迫不及待期待着大马站开唱日期的公布,希望能弥补SJ原定2020年3月1日在吉隆坡武吉加里尔亚通体育馆举行《Super Show 8:INFINITE TIME》演唱会,因新冠疫情大爆发被迫取消的遗憾。
时隔将近3年的时间,Super Junior 于今年7月15日在韩国首尔启动第9次巡回演唱会《Super Show 9:ROAD》的序幕,在首尔连开3场后,便开始飞到各地巡演,于7月30将演唱会移师至海外巡演首站泰国曼谷。这是继 2020年2月Super Junior世界巡演《Super Show 8:INFINITE TIME》结束后,时隔约2年5个月的大型演唱会,也是SJ在新冠疫情后首次举办的实体演唱会,为大家献上一段“用音乐照亮大家道路的旅程”温暖感性又感动的演出! 更多有关《Super Show 9:ROAD ─吉隆坡站》的演唱会详情和售票日期将在近期内公布,敬请密切留意Star Planet星艺娱乐官方网页 www.starplanet.com.my 和面子书的最新消息!
A Reunion Highly Anticipated in Malaysia after 9 Years!
SUPER JUNIOR returns with ‘SUPER SHOW 9: ROAD’ world tour concert
at Bukit Jalil Axiata Arena on 10 October
August 25th, KUALA LUMPUR: Are you ready, fellow Malaysian E.L.F. members? The veteran K-pop group SUPER JUNIOR will return to Malaysia with their highly anticipated ‘SUPER SHOW 9: ROAD’ world tour concert. Announced today by Star Planet, this Kuala Lumpur concert will be held on 10th October, an auspicious date at 5pm at Bukit Jalil Axiata Arena. Soon, the signature fandom colour of Sapphire Blue will shroud the entire stadium after 9 years since the last concert.
Earlier in a podcast show in July, SUPER JUNIOR members Eunhyuk and Donghae confirmed that Malaysia is up on their world tour list for ‘SUPER SHOW 9: ROAD’ live concert. Since then, Malaysian E.L.F. members have been eagerly expecting an official announcement for the date of the live concert in Malaysia to console their disappointment 2 years back, when the last Malaysia concert was called off due to the COVID-19 outbreak. During that time, the ‘SUPER SHOW 8: INFINITE TIME in Kuala Lumpur’ live concert originally scheduled on 1st March 2020 was cancelled altogether with the rest of the world tour.
Culminating a solid comeback to meet fans after 3 years of preparation, SUPER JUNIOR initiated their 9th world tour starting from Seoul on 15th July. After 3 consecutive nights in Seoul, ‘SUPER SHOW 9: ROAD’ embarked on its overseas journey. SUPER JUNIOR’s Bangkok concert on 30th July marked their first overseas live concert in the post-pandemic. Once again, they will warm everyone’s heart with their melodic songs and groovy performances. More information about the upcoming ‘SUPER SHOW 9: ROAD in Kuala Lumpur’ will be released soon. Please stay tuned on www.starplanet.com.my to receive first-hand updates.