(吉隆坡2月4日讯)好消息! 第三场来喽!
小兴星们, 大家久等了。
第三场演唱会将安排在 6月 2日, 星期五,晚间 8点钟。
欲购买第三场门票的粉丝们。请务必要留意, 详读以下的内容
1. 第三场的门票将从 3月7号开始发售。购票时间和官方链接,将会在 3月 6 日公布。
1. 票务公司将改为 BookMyShow. 所有第三场的门票必须透过 Book My Show 的官方链接才能购票。
2. 第一和第二场演唱会的门票, 仍然由 TicketCharge负责,欲购买首二场的门票,必须通过 TC的官方链接购买。
3. 主办单位并没透过第三方, 以个人名义模式售票。千万别跟不法之徒购买。透过来历不明的人购买门票,如演出当天门票出了问题被拒门外,本公司一概不负责。若已受骗者,请务必报警处理。 4. 所有在各大平台胡乱散播谣言,煽动人心,危言耸听者,对本公司以及艺人所造成的困扰与伤害,本公司将保留法律的追究权利。
Woohoo 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐍𝐞𝐰𝐬!! 3RD SHOW IS ON THE WAY
Starics, WE HEAR YOU!
We are sorry for the problems you are facing.
The 3rd concert will be on Friday, June 2nd at 8pm.
Fans who want to buy tickets for the Third show. Please be sure to read the following content in detail:
1. Tickets for the 3rd Show will be on sale from March 7th. Ticket purchase time and official link will be announced on March 6th.
1. The ticket company in charge for the 3rd Show will be changed to BookMyShow. All tickets for the 3rd show must be purchased through the official link of Book My Show.
2. TicketCharge will continue to be responsible for the tickets for the first and second concerts. If you would like to purchase tickets for the first two concerts, you must purchase them through TC’s official link.
3. The organising company do not sell tickets in the name of an individual through a third party. Do not buy from illegal sources. The company will not be responsible for the purchase of tickets through unknown sources. If you have been deceived, please report to the police.
4. The organising company will reserve the right to pursue the law for all the troubles and harm caused to the company and the artists by spreading rumours, incitement and alarmists indiscriminately on major platforms.